Here in the Philippines, if you go to the Doctor they usually tell the patient, “Man you are sick or something is wrong with you!” This is one of the reasons that I do not like to see a doctor. My wife was admitted for five days in one of our public hospitals. While there I met a 19 year old girl but she looked older than that because of her sickness. Her stomach kept getting bigger and bigger but the doctor said that they cannot find what is wrong but it is very obvious that she is really really sick.
As you can see she is very thin and very weak. She is in our neighboring bed. As she struggled to survive I asked her mother if I could pray for her. Her mother is very devoted to Roman Catholic belief and she said that she prays for her daughter and I said ok. When I talked to her daughter and asked her if I could pray for her she said yes. I told her that everybody that looks at her, including myself, would think there is no cure, but I said that I could give her hope in Jesus. I¬† read some scripture about the woman who bleed for 12 years. Imagine 12 years of suffering and she desired to be healed. I said, Like you I believe that you have a desire to be healed but if there is¬† not help from Jesus you can‚Äôt be healed even if you have the best doctor. Only Jesus can heal you. So I started to read the scripture and while I read it her mother said that her hair stood on end. I believe that it’s the Holy Spirit and the power of God that was felt by the mother. I explained how to be healed. That she should have faith in Jesus like the woman who bled for 12 years. I prayed and ask her if she was willing to receive Jesus and ask forgiveness for her sin. She said yes. So Princess received salvation that night. Then she slept well.
After our time at the hospital I decided to visit Princess but I found out that she was with Jesus. She had died on Tuesday February 2, 2010.  I am sad about her death but happy because I believe Princess is now with Jesus.
Though she didn’t receive physical healing, she has been spiritually healed. Ministry is everywhere! You don‚Äôt need to go far. You just need to open your eyes around you and see the opportunies to minister to the needy everywhere.
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