Love is an Action Word!

When God said that He loved us, He did not just say it but He did it. To prove His love. He gave his one and only Son Jesus Christ. Giving out of love is the most special gift to those who receive it. We receive the precious gift from God of  eternal life through Jesus. It is the birth of Jesus that is the reason we have Christmas.

As a follower of Christ, it was our joy to share the gift of Christ’s love in a unique way. We are so thankful for your untiring support  to iRock Ministries. Through your  support, iRock Ministries was able to gift the kids receiving ministry through The Joshua Center with a memorable meal last December 17.2011. We were able to feed approximately 80 children a meal that they will not soon forget. iRock Ministries shared the blessing of food; spaghetti, bread, hotdogs, fruit salad and popcorn. The kids loved the unlimited orange juice.To help better understand the impact of this gift you need to realize that this type of food is rarely in their diet since it is expensive for most household budgets. Many Filipinos only eat these food items when invited to someone’s home or to a party hosted by a wealthier family. It is nearly impossible that these children would ever be invited for such a banquet.

Although I know how the kids really loved the food, we should never forget the main purpose for bringing everyone together. Along with this gift, we were there  to lead the children and even the parents to Christ. Using the EvangeCube, my wife Nene shared the message of Jesus’ love and forgiveness and that salvation can only be found in Jesus.

After hearing and understanding the message, we had the opportunity to lead kids and their parents to accept Jesus into their heart and lives.

This is the best gift they could ever receive in their life. The physical food is just a consolation prize but the eternal Life of accepting Jesus is the grand prize.

We had Praise and worship and funny games for everybody. Despite the daily struggles and problems in their homes and physical lives you could see the sweet smiles and happiness brought to them that day as we served Jesus through our actions and deeds.

Because of the gift Jesus gave at Christmas, we were also able to bless each person with a gift worth 10 pesos ($0.23). What a joy to bring happiness to a child that may not have received a gift otherwise.

Thank you for such a wonderful act of love. Such a joyous Christmas celebration was made possible because of your great prayer and financial support. We are looking forward to seeing the children and their families grow more in Christ as we continue to minister to them in 2012.

From the Island of the Philippines… Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New year.

Oning and Nene

Matina Pangi Church Plant

If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain. (Go to the bottom of this post for a little background on that saying) Similarly, If the kids or people won’t come to church then we will bring the church to them.
Every Saturday at 1:00 pm, Nene and I would prepare and travel to the small group at Matina Pangi which starts at 3:00 PM (if no rain). Riding my cute and nice motorcycle, with my wife riding at my back and holding a lot of props, we thought that we would be the earliest people to arrive, but we were wrong. The kids were already there and waiting for the small group Bible study.  As we walked through a small alley to our meeting place the kids were shouting our names, “Hello ate Nene, hello kuya Oning!” We said, hello. How are you doing? We greeted them and talked about their week.

We’d play with bubbles or anything that would make them feel good to break the ice of silence.We’d laugh together and start singing and praising God with songs like “Oh magnify the Lord for He is worthy to be praised…………..!!!
We’d do objects lessons and share practical examples during our small group time. We’d tell a story and for the new comers, we’d make sure that they had an opportunity to accept Jesus into their heart. We never know if that is the first time they’ve ever heard the gospel of salvation or perhaps the last. Only God knows. We always grab the opportunity to add more members to God’s family.

After the message, depending on whether or not we had been blessed that week with resources, we would give out prizes. We would all pray for the snacks and eat together.

Before everyone went home, my wife Nene would administer first aid medication and we would pray for them, their needs and protection for the whole week.

God is doing an amazing work in this small village and we are excited to be used by God to reach the children that have been forgotten.

Saying: “If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain.” This expression is based on a tale that Muhammad once sought proof of his teachings by ordering a mountain to come to him. When it did not move, he maintained that God had been merciful, for if it had indeed moved they all would have been crushed by it. [Late 1500s]

When he preached, he preached on top of the mountain or high grounds so as the people can hear him and see him better. People kept asking for proof that he was a Prophet, as many prophets before him, did many miracles and he never did any. So, one day he decided to order the mountain to come to him, but the mountain did not move, and as usual, the Angel comes to his rescue and explained though Muhammad that the mountain didn’t move for the protection of the people!!
Now, you have to ask yourself why Muhammad asked the mountain to move! Islam draws many comparisons from the life of Christ. Jesus himself said, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Where Jesus teaches that nothing is impossible in our humanity, Muhammad teaches limitations because of our humanity.
From Pastor Terry Williams of iRock Ministries: We believe that the ministry Pastor Oning and Nene have started in Matina Pangi will see many miracles, people will develop the faith to move mountains and that nothing they desire to do is impossible with Christ.