Ministry at TLCCC

I was able to Minister at TLCCC or The Lord’s Cross Christian Church. The topic was “The Rights of Children”. It is a United Nations topic and the church wanted me to teach it in a christian way. I thought I was going to speak with the kids but was surprised when I was able to share with the mothers that also joined the event.tlcccrowd My verse was found in John 1:12. I used the flaming bible illusion and emphasized where we can gain knowledge and proved that we have a right in the Kingdom of God when we accept Jesus in our Life and heart. It was a very powerful message. This was the first time that these children saw a message shared in this style.

Next I used a rope illusion. When I tossed it into the air and told it to stand, the rope stiffened. I shared that we need to obey God as the rope obeyed me. Just like I was happy when the rope obeyed, God is happy when we are obedient. We are obedient because we are children of God.

I shared a story for my conclusion, the title is ” The Mother Chicken”.¬† It shows how the Mother chicken protected her chicks when the raging fire was ready to devour the whole field including the mama chicken and the chicks. But the mama chicken called all of her chicks to go under her wings. Her one baby Jongjong chose not to listen because he thought that he was old enough to protect himself and he could outrun the fire. So Jongjong went in the other direction and disappeared but the remaining chicks ran to their mama’s wings and when they were under the wings of their mama they felt the warm embrace and the love of their mother. The chicks felt secure. So man can also feel the love of God if we are under His arms. We can feel the protection, security and most of all the love of Jesus.
After the fire burnt through the whole field, everything in it’s path was torched by the flames and all the animals were burnt except those animals who ran into the pond. The owner felt sorry for his plants and animals and was sad because he could not see any of his chickens. He thought that all of his chickens were dead but when he kicked what looked like a clump of black grass, he heard the sounds of the chicks. The clump of grass was the mama chicken who sacrificed herself for the sake of her beloved children.The chicks under her wings had been saved but Jongjong was no where to be found. The mama chicken could have saved herself but chose her death in exchange for the lives of her children. She would rather die than her children die.¬† Like Jesus, He could have saved Himself when the people were ready to crucify Him but He sacrificed Himself for the sake of His beloved lost children. The lake of sin is ready to destroy man but the blood of Jesus covers us to protect us from death.¬† Those who don’t believe and accept Jesus in their Hearts are like jongjong who perished from the fire because of pride. It is the same with man. We can perish if we are too proud to accept Jesus in our Heart. If we accept Jesus in our heart we have the right to one day live in heaven.


The kids surrounded me and the mothers listened to the story. They gave me a certificate and love offering. It wasn’t much but the joy of serving God’s people that day was enormous.
Following my service they did some interpretative dance and drama with the presentation of all the nations. Jesus loves the world where ever you belong.

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